Fantastic Mr. Fox follows Mr. Fox, played by George Clooney, as the old ways of hunting, predetor and prey, and more are ultimately too alluring to his pure wild instincts. Mr. Fox breaks a promise he made to his wife, swearing to never break into farms and hunt the food that lives there. When Mr. Fox and his family move, he finds the properties of 3 farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. 3 farmers who are notorious in their own farming techniques and/or attributes.
On a personal level, this movie is the definition of perfection. Ever since its release back in 2009, this movie has been in my life bringing me tranquility, it has brought be into a new world of film and a love for Wes Anderson as a film director, and nostolgia. However, don't listen what I have to say, IMDb has a professional review on the movie.